Umpqua Signature Patterns
Garrison Doctor Umpqua Signature Fly Patterns
Sweetmeat Caddis
The CDC "wing" on the hook point side of the fly help orient the hook correctly in the water column. Designed on Rocky Mountain streams and rivers, but effective wherever caddis hatch, from Iceland to Chile and beyond.
Flexy Stone
The translucent quality of the flexy tubing material used to tie this unique pattern combined with the texture and wing case profile give it great appeal to trout.
Sweetmeat Sally
An off-shoot of my Sweetmeat Caddis style with the same general construction and CDC wing, this Sally is a great attractor fly but also has awesome details to close the deal with the fine legs and tan CDC.
This little streamer is MONEY.

If you have any questions about how to tie or buy any of my signature flies, please send me and email at